Annuncio Sperimentazione nuove risorse e servizi
E’ stata avviata la sperimentazione di due servizi aggiuntivi connessi alle piattaforme IA2. Settings -> CI/CD -> Runners -> Enable instance runner for this project
Workshop Archivi
E’ uscito l’annuncio per il workshop “Archives and Data Management Systems”, che si svolgerà dal 26 al 28 febbraio prossimi presso l’Area della Ricerca di Bologna. Esso è il terzo di una serie dedicata alla gestione e cura dei dati nell’epoca dei Big Data.Modalità di partecipazione: ibrida Location: Bologna – CNRDate: 26-28/02/2025Website: **************** English version below ******************* Dear colleagues,The announcement of the “Archives and Data Management Systems” workshop, which will take place from 26th to 28th of February at the Research Area of Bologna, is now shared. This meeting is the third in a series dedicated to data management and curation in the era
INAF provides its users with a storage space that can be accessed according to the methods indicated below: Up to 50 GB – Each INAF user or member has a quota of disk space offered by IA2, using the VOSpace service at the link: From 50 GB to 1 TB – Contact the support group directly: ufficio-curadati-usc8@ From 1 TB to 20 TB – Apply to periodic calls for compute and storage resources. Requests exceeding 20 TB will be evaluated by USC VIII in light of their compatibility with the organization’s storage capacity development plans and their financial sustainability and that requests for
INAF offers access to HPC, HTC or Cloud computing systems. In particular: Link to active calls and past call archive Italiano nel seguito INAF offre l’accesso a sistemi di calcolo di tipo HPC, HTC o Cloud. In particolare: Link alle call attive e archivio call passate
Growing the expertise of the INAF community in all reference sectors, it is a priority objective to ensure that the members of the organisation, and in particular the younger ones, have in their hands, in the coming years, the “tool manual” to make the best use of what the technological development will make it almost indispensable to remain at the forefront of astrophysics research. List of active or already completed courses Italiano nel seguito Crescere l’expertise della comunità INAF in tutti i settori di riferimento è un obiettivo prioritario per garantire che i membri dell’Ente, e in particolare quelli più giovani, abbiano in mano nei
Requests for funds
USC VIII can give financial support to events related to the activities under the jurisdiction of USC VIII (schools, courses, seminars, etc.), organized by INAF personnel and/or personnel associated with INAF. Requests can be made at any time using the link and they will be evaluated within one month of the request. These requests can be formulated in parallel with those (relating to more general topics and typically requested at the beginning of each calendar year) submitted to the INAF Scientific Directorate, but double funding will not be possible. Italiano nel seguito La USC VIII può dare supporto finanziario a eventi legati alle attività
Informatic services
Easy Redmine GitLab Indico ownCloud
Sector 1 – Critical computing
The Critical Computing implementation sector concerns the computational aspects linked to HPC, HTC, Big Data themes; it proposes and organizes activities in general projects, in order to offer infrastructure, innovative implementations and create skills for the challenges of the near future, in the most important projects of our institution. The sector is divided into 2 main axes: Axis 1: PNRR: Centro Nazionale HPC – National Center HPC, Bigdata and Quantum Computing It involves the majority of the Structures of INAF. In particular: It promotes the training of the new class of technologists and researchers in the field of HPC computing, towards Exascale, and Big Data
Sector 2 – Data curation
The areas within which Sector 2 «Data Care» will operate will mainly be the archiving, care, preservation and usability of astronomical data and products of astrophysics science, in synergy with the computational, services and development part. For any further question please feel free to contact us at supporto-curadati-usc8 @ INAF Archives Data Repositories Open Data & FAIR Interoperability
Sector 3 – R&D synergies
The goal of the Research and Development sector is to create an environment where teams within Researchers and Technologists at INAF can easily connect if they’re tackling similar problems. One way to achieve this is by facilitating the formation of distributed working groups, these groups would be all about sharing ideas and finding solutions together. Furthermore, our objective is to tap into the wealth of expertise in scientific computing within INAF by highlighting the wide range of skills and projects undertaken by different groups and RIC/TECs within the organization. By making these entities and their work more visible across various fields, we aim to raise
Sector 4 – Informatic services
The Sector 4 deals with the maintenance of the Common Software and the organization of the support group at the individual site level. This Sector also has the responsibility of providing relations with the GARR in the context of expanding the network with new connections, strengthening existing ones and good governance of the services made available by the GARR. Section 4 also offers the possibility of accessing Cloud Computing Resources through over-the-counter requests that can be made at any time (more information on the Cloud Computing page). Sector 4 services and groups are listed (with their relevant links) below. Italiano Il settore 4 si occupa