8-12 July 2024 – Catania –
The 2nd edition of the International Conference on Machine Learning for Astrophysics (ML4ASTRO2) aims to unite leading researchers actively engaged in applying machine learning to astrophysical studies. Following the success of the first edition, this international conference is dedicated to exploring the challenges and opportunities presented by the impending Big Data era in astronomy.
Focusing on the integration of ML/DL techniques with astrophysics, the event will showcase cutting-edge AI methodologies tailored for addressing key open problems in this field. Engaging discussions will revolve around the innovative application of AI models to observational and simulation data.
We welcome submissions of abstracts for Oral Presentations or Poster Flash Talks encompassing a wide array of topics relevant to the intersection of machine learning and astrophysics.
Event Link: https://indico.ict.inaf.it/event/2690/