24 June – 05 July 2024 Bologna – Area di ricerca CNR – Overview In Astrophysics and Cosmology (A&C) numerical algorithms based on High-Performance Computing (HPC) are essential for modelling complex dynamic systems, interpreting observations, and making theoretical predictions. Contrasting the results from numerical codes with the torrent of complex observational data that the new generations of ground- and space-based observatories will produce will be a fundamental channel to provide new insights into astronomical phenomena, the formation and evolution of the universe and the fundamental laws of physics. The outstanding quality and volume of observational data generated by the current and next generation of instrumentsRead More →

25-26 January 2024 – Trieste – Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste – Il corso si prefigge come obiettivo di fornire ai ricercatori gli strumenti per comprendere e utilizzare i Data Management Plan e per strutturare le collezioni dei dati scientifici. Queste conoscenze, valide sia per dati osservativi che da simulazione, sono di supporto alle necessità di salvaguardia e distribuzione aperta e aderente ai principi FAIR, così come comunemente richiesto nei bandi di finanziamento istituzionali, nazionali ed europei. Inoltre, un’accurata preparazione dei dati è funzionale a una pubblicazione curata, comprensibile nel tempo, riutilizzabile e interoperabile, così come espresso dai paradigmi dell’ Open Science, Open Data e dai principi FAIRRead More →

13 Dec 2023 – 14 Dec 2023 Cupola Fiore (OA Brera) OverviewModern scientific research challenges require new technologies, integrated tools, reusable and complex experiments in distributed computing infrastructures. But above all, computing power for efficient data processing and analyzing. Container technologies have emerged as a new paradigm to address such intensive scientific applications problems. Their easy deployment in a reasonable amount of time and the few required computational resources make them more suitable. Containers enable performance isolation and flexible deployment of complex, parallel, and high-performance systems. Moreover, they gained popularity to modernize and migrate scientific applications in computing infrastructure management. Additionally, they reduce computational timeRead More →