This thematic group on Data Management (small & big-data) aims to share know-how on the most common technological solutions in the INAF community, relating to storage, organization and access to scientific data and metadata. 

The main focus of this working group can be easily identified in the sharing, management and solution of the most common problems encountered in different national and international projects and collaborations regarding data management. 

Some tools used in this regard are identified as the main software/middleware layer for accessing data in large collaborations, for example: RUCIO SDM (Scientific Data Management), DCACHE DSSD (Distributed Storage for Scientific Data),  MINIO Cloud storage and many others. 

Along with these open source products there are a multitude of other technological solutions dedicated even just to the management of physical file descriptors (metadata) and take the form of common databases (SQL and NO-SQL), this because the challenge behind storage of large amounts of data is to efficiently accomplish to manage, organize and recall (when necessary with appropriate searches and/or procedures) the metadata and this need brings with very disparate technological solutions. The objective of the working group is therefore to share solutions and give support to those within (and outside) INAF are currently (or plan to) approaching these tools to solve their own scientific/technological challenge: making their skills available and sharing to identify the solution best suited to the scientific problem posed. 

For further information please contact:

DMS_usc8 @

The contact and coordinator of this working group is Stefano Gallozzi (stefano.gallozzi @, but support, collaborations and partnerships internal and external to INAF are welcome.

coordinated by Stefano Gallozzi


Marco Molinaro

Romolo Politi

Cristina Knapic